Experienced Coaching Staff

Experienced Coaching Staff

I currently work alone and provide one to one sessions. I plan to run workshops in the future. My experience comes from having personally lived through trauma and very difficult challenges. I tried almost every therapy and support over the years and found in the end that nothing outside of me could or would provide the answers. When I finally realised that I had everything I needed within and shifted my outer search to an inner discovery, everything 'clicked'. From this point I have felt more joy and peace and love than I thought was possible. Having previously worked in corporations and big businesses managing people, I left this world behind in order to help others find themselves too. I only teach what I have found to work with myself and through experience supporting others. This is a gentle supporting and uplifting process focused on who we already are as opposed to an action oriented attempt to change. I have found that only when we can believe in ourselves can we make lasting change and the journey to the place where we believe in ourselves is a process of removing what isn't serving us in terms of our patterns of thought and responses as opposed to finding something 'missing'.